ADT Now Shipping TURBOdesign 5.2

07.12.2012 -

Advanced Design Technology announces that its TURBOdesign Suite version 5.2 is now shipping. This version of the company’s three-dimensional (3D) inverse design technology software provides a new TURBOdesign Volute module and faster turbomachinery design and optimization capabilities for wider operating ranges and customized solutions.

Bridging Thinkers, Industry Practitioners and Policy Makers Through Comprehensive Technology and Knowledge Showcase

08.11.2011 -

Watertech & Wastetech Indonesia 2011, held concurrently with HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air-Filtration & Purification Systems, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration) and Process Systems (PS) Indonesia sets the stage for the latest products, technologies, and solutions to address today’s challenges in water, wastewater, and waste management in Indonesia on November 17 – 19, 2011 at the Jakarta International Expo (JI Expo).